Our Latest Obsession: Le Wrens


le wrens 2 Le Wrens took shape when Elizabeth Gundersen's older brother and sister started to make music together. Both Elizabeth and Jonathan Gundersen wanted a part of the action as well. When her brother's former band, The Courage, went on tour with Garage Voice, they stopped in Centralia, Washington for a show and stayed at the Gundersen home. When one of the band's member's, Tommy, heard that Lizzy wrote a song, he wanted to hear it. Garage Voice ended up being the band that got them their first show.

Their album "Don't Forget Me," was released in 2013. As a whole, the album is primarily about memories. "Don't Forget Me," the album's namesake, was the single. The music video is just as intriguing as it is understated. You can tell that the people in the band truly love each other and enjoy being around each other, which is an important aspect of any band.

In case you need further proof that Elizabeth's voice is truly something special, listen to her cover of Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me" here. All in all, Elizabeth Gundersen is an incredible performer. In this video in particular, it's almost as if something spiritual takes over, and that itself is remarkable.

Extra and Notable:

"Tickets for Teasing" // Ballard Sessions

"Broken People" Live from the Radio

"Don't Forget Me" Live